a beginning

All right, I’m officially casting off on the S.S.Blog. The plan is to write a little something, most days, about this crazy writing/mothering life, without letting it interfere with said writing and mothering. I’m anticipating posts on writing process, parenting, dairy goats, beekeeping, alternative building (cob playhouse anyone? cordwood tool shed?), book and movie reviews, and whatever else I feel like, truth be told. Here’s to jumping in when you haven’t a grain of prognosticative insight about direction or success.

ETA: the blog ran till 2/22/2017 and then diminished and went into the west.  For now I’m leaving this, the inaugural post, as a souvenir, like an old road sign that points to nowhere. 1400 posts! The Age of Blogs was a fun time to be on the internet, wasn’t it? Ah well, all things must end.